September 5, 2022: Book Launch: Partnerships for Sustainability in Contemporary Global Governance

On September 5, 2022, the Principal Investigator of Transformative Partnerships 2030 - Professor Karin Bäckstrand - will participate in the hybrid seminar to launch the new book co-edited by Liliana Andonova, on the Scientific Advisory Board of the project, Moira V. Faul and Dario Piselli. The book, titled "Partnerships for Sustainability in Contemporary Global Governance: Pathways to Effectiveness" is a multidisciplinary volumes with important contributions on a multitude dimensions of partnerships.

The seminar is hosted by the Geneva Graduate Institute and co-hosted by the Global Governance Centre (GGC) and the Centre for International Environmental Studies (CIES), both at the Graduate Institute, and by the Network for international policies and cooperation in education and training (NORRAG).

Please sign up here to register for the seminar, held on September 5, 2022, 18:30 - 20:00 CEST, online or in Geneva.

(Image in post created by Christopher, used under Creative Commons license)

Bi-annual project meeting held on May 30-31, 2022